Why “Web Dev Confessions”?
We have built close to 100 websites in the last 7 years, and we are now actively maintaining and working on a few dozen of them. At least once a week we experience third-party tool issues, desired development challenges, and sometimes just plain-old errors that require some investigation. Sometimes I can’t find the answers quickly or easily, sometimes I work with those third-party developers to improve their tools, and sometimes I have to get very creative with my own solutions. I thought it might be a good idea to share some of the things my clients and I have experienced – and how we addressed them – so that others may benefit as well. These are Web Dev Confessions.

Edge CPT WordPress Plugin – Error: Cookies are blocked
While performing routine maintenance on a website for a client, I recently found myself unable to login to the site as normal because of the following error: “ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.” Attempts to login simply fail as if you’re entering incorrect […]